HomeWhat we do

What we do

A rich and diverse range of services to raise your profile
and help you develop your network.

Annual Forum

The 2022 edition, Blue and Green Security, will take place in autumn in Nice, France. This event will offer a unique access to stakeholders and experts, during 2 plenary discussions and 4 round tables that will draw up the current state of affairs of food security and environmental safety in the MENA region.

Annual Forum

1st annual forum

Blue and Green Security

Nice 2022, Septembre 8 and 9

2nd annual forum

Data end security governance

Monaco 2024, January 24 and 25

3rd annual forum

Health issues

Monaco 2025, Q4


Diwaniyas are privileged moments where economic and political leaders come across intellectuals, diplomats and members of civil society. At each event, the discussions are held in an interactive manner around a keynote speaker and under the Chatham House rule.

On-Demand Events Customised Business Missions

We organise on demand original events as well as customised business expeditions in our area of operation (Europe and Turkey, Middle East, North Africa and Asia) for our partners wishing to enter new markets or willing to get more exposure to influential figures.

Newsletter and Webinars

Our growing audience benefits from the insights and expertise of our contributors and guests. On a bimonthly basis, we give the floor to renowned authorities in their field but also to young talents on business and cultural issues.

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© 2025 · The Global Diwan